Ajuga Burgundy Glow 10.5cm

Price £ 2.99
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Burton Latimer (1)
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Ajuga Burgundy Glow 10.5cm

Price £ 2.99
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Available for delivery (1)
Store availability:
Burton Latimer (1)
Elton (0)
Ajuga Burgundy Glow 10.5cm
Ajuga Burgundy Glow 10.5cm
Price £ 2.99

Cultivation: This plant is versatile and will thrive in various soil types, as long as there is adequate moisture. It performs best in partial shade, which helps prevent foliage scorching, but it can also tolerate full shade.

Propagation: To propagate this plant, simply divide it by separating rooted stems. This method is effective for creating new plants.

Suggested Planting Locations and Garden Types: This plant is well-suited for various garden settings, including patio and container arrangements, cottage and informal gardens, wildlife-friendly gardens, slopes and banks, flower borders, and beds. It can also serve as an excellent ground cover due to its adaptability and aesthetic appeal.

Pruning: Minimal to no pruning is required for this plant, making maintenance easy and hassle-free.

Pests: Generally, this plant is resistant to common pests, reducing the need for pest control measures.

Diseases: While generally hardy, this plant may occasionally be susceptible to powdery mildew, which can be managed with proper care and preventive measures.

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