Westland Decorative Mini Bark 50L

Price £ 5.99

Short description

A clean background to your plants and a highly decorative, low-maintenance finish for small borders and containers.

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Available for delivery (537)
Store availability:
Burton Latimer (537)
Elton (0)

Westland Decorative Mini Bark 50L

Price £ 5.99

Short description

A clean background to your plants and a highly decorative, low-maintenance finish for small borders and containers.

  • Quantity
Available for delivery (537)
Store availability:
Burton Latimer (537)
Elton (0)
Westland Decorative Mini Bark 50L
Westland Decorative Mini Bark 50L
Price £ 5.99

Westland Decorative Mini Bark is an excellent choice for adding a beautiful and decorative touch to your small borders and containers. These tiny brown chips (approximately 8-20mm in size) also serve practical purposes such as inhibiting weed growth, keeping soil moist, protecting plant roots from temperature fluctuations, and preventing the spread of fungal diseases on leaves due to rain splatter.

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