What is the look and feel of Peat Free Compost?

Peat free compost will look, feel and even smell different to peat and you are likely to notice a difference in how your plants respond to peat free compost too. There are many ways you can adapt the way you grow to better suit peat free composts, ensuring that you have healthy vibrant plants.

Key Differences You Might See:

  • A lighter, more open structure
  • Interlocking fibres in addition to small particles, so the material is less easy to crumble and free flowing
  • Lighter in colour
  • A different smell

How do you water Peat Free Compost?

Water Management

Peat free products differ from peat-based ones when it comes to water management.

  • They have a more open, porous structure, meaning they may benefit from more frequent watering, but not necessarily a larger volume of water
  • The surface of the compost might dry out while deeper down it is still perfectly moist
  • Peat tends to be difficult to rewet once dried out. You will notice your peat free mixes are much easier to rewet once they’ve dried.
  • To avoid over-watering, check below the dry surface layer before you water your pots. You can do this by one of the following methods:
  1. Pushing your finger into the compost to feel the moisture level
  2. Picking up the pot to feel the weight
  3. Using a soil moisture meter 
  • Check your pots more frequently in warm, dry weather


Peat is biologically inactive, whereas peat free products are biologically active, making for a more natural growing environment for your plants. This, therefore, improves nutrient exchange between the plant and the compost and allows for natural disease suppression. However, soil microbes can “lock up” some essential plant nutrients, especially when in the presence of woody material found in peat free mixes. 

How to Treat your Peat Free Compost Differently:

  • We recommend feeding from planting and then a minimum of once every two weeks with a liquid feed such as Miracle Gro or Phostrogen, which is carefully formulated to support plant growth. A strong healthy plant leads to them being able to better resist pests and disease.

By using peat free compost you are helping to preserve and protect delicate ecosystems and habitats. 


Please ask a member of staff if you require any further advice


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